I am Colin Bell, a novelist and poet, previously a TV producer-director of arts programmes, also known as the blogger Wolfie Wolfgang. My first two novels are Stephen Dearsley’s Summer Of Love (Ward Wood Publishing, 2013) and Blue Notes, Still Frames (Ward Wood Publishing, 2017) and my first poetry collection is Remembering Blue (Ward Wood Publishing, 2019). My third novel, Over the hills is a long way off is scheduled for publication in 2023 (Ward Wood Publishing) as is my second poetry collection, Brief Encounters. I have also published short stories (Ether Books) and children’s books (Novello).

My blogs:
I hope you find something here among my regular blogs about my writer’s life and also on my other website, that i write under my virtual name Wolfiewolfgang www.wolfiewolfgang.com where I write about anything that interests me – I hope it interests you too. Let me know.
My published work:
My debut poetry collection, Remembering Blue, was published in 2019 (Ward Wood Publishing). But the paperback edition here for free world-wide postage: https://wordery.com/search?term=Remembering+blue+cOLIN+bELL
Is it also available for Kindle from Amazon.

My novel, Blue Notes, Still Frames, was published in January 2017 (Ward Wood Publishing). Buy the paperback edition here for free world-wide postage: https://www.bookdepository.com/Blue-Notes–Still-Frames/9781908742629
The Kindle edition available from Amazon.
My first novel, Stephen Dearsley’s Summer Of Love, was published in October 2013 (Ward Wood Publishing) and long-listed for the 2014 Polari Prize. Buy the paperback edition here for free world-wide postage: https://www.bookdepository.com/Stephen-Dearsley-s-Summer-of-Love/9781908742070
The Kindle edition is available from Amazon.
My poetry has been published in the UK (including Acumen, Cinnamon Press, Frogmore Press and Soaring Penguin) and the USA (including Muse-pie Press, The Blotter and A Kind of Hurricane Press). I have been nominated for the 2016 and the 2019 Pushcart Prize.
My Fibonacci poetry has appeared in the Fibonacci specialist online journal, The Fib Review, from 2009 until the present: http://www.musepiepress.com/fibreview/writers.html
The American publisher, Muse-Pie Press, made me their Featured Poet International in November 2019 and published a collection of 25 of his poems. http://www.musepiepress.com/index.html
I was a producer-director and then Executive Producer of music and arts programmes for Granada Television in Manchester and executive producer, EuroArts-Primetime. I made programmes for ITV, Channel Four and the BBC as well as for American, Japanese and German broadcasters.
My television credits include the Granada arts documentary series, Celebration, the ITV series God Bless America, the Channel Four series, My Generation, the ITV documentary Curves, Contours and Body Horns, the BBC documentary Menuhin’s Children, the SDR documentary Szabo Meets Solti and the ITV documentary It Was Twenty Years Ago Today as well as international co-productions of opera galas from San Francisco and Covent Garden and the Tenth Anniversary Concert performance of Les Miserables from the Royal Albert Hall.
I was born in a Franciscan convent in Surrey, I’m an Anglo-Irish and European citizen and I live in Lewes, East Sussex.