I’ve had a mini-run on poetry publication over the weekend. I’ve just received a copy of a new poetry anthology, Tic Toc, published by the American company Kind Of Hurricane Press and including my poem Over Time. All the poems are, in different ways, “time tunnels” and I’m proud to be included. It was a good weekend because I also heard that I have a new Fibonacci poem, The Kiss, in #18 of the specialist Fibonacci poetry journal, The Fib Review published by another American publisher, Musepie Press. I’m especially proud of being there because it continues my relationship with this pioneering venture, the World’s premier Fibonacci publisher. I have had my Fib poems included in every issue since #5 so this is my lucky thirteenth appearance. It’s great when I’m so involved in my novel writing that poetry keeps encouraging me to keep the poems coming too. Here’s the link:
The new anthology is also good news as it adds to the growing number of poetry anthologies to include my work.
If you want to read them, you can find on them using the following links:
Tic Toc published by Kind Of A Hurricane Press:
Reaching Out published by Cinnamon Press: